I don't quite know what to think of 45, I've been 44 for so long I was just getting use to that age. Oh well time marches on, with crows feet.
My family keeps asking what I want for my birthday, and all I can think is that I have all that I want, a happy family, a healthy grandson and an amazing husband. What more can a girl ask for?
I have received so many gifts and blessing in my life, that my cup run-ith over and I am happy for it. I know none of it was my doing or I would have messed the whole thing up, it was all the Lord's doing. He always knew that he had his job cut out for him with me. I'm just grateful that he never gave up on me or got tired of trying.
I guess that is the message that I want to touch on: Never give up, never stop trying.
I know how it is some days its all you can do to get out of bed,......but you do!
You just have to know that tomorrow is another day and if you can just get through today its bound to be better, how could it not. The sun will come out tomorrow, you can bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow will be .... (or something like that)
What your tomorrow is, is completely up to you and what you want to make of it. Make it filled with creativity and joy. Go out and paint something, sew something, write a poem, tell a child a story, interview yourself in the mirror like your Barbara Walters, that's a fun one, you just might learn something.
That's how I want to approach my 45th birthday, I want to continue to create an amazing life full of love and laughter, joys and even some sorrows to keep me humble and grateful.
And last but not least I plan on going out and doing a cartwheel in my front yard, just because I still can (I think).